Heat transfer & heat exchangers - Lecture 1: Thermodynamics - Khoa Ta Dang
Environment & Refrigerants
• Environment refers to the region beyond the
surroundings whose properties are not
effected by the process at any point
• Refrigerant is the working fluid used in devices
for energy conversion such as gases, water,
ammonia, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
• Environment refers to the region beyond the
surroundings whose properties are not
effected by the process at any point
• Refrigerant is the working fluid used in devices
for energy conversion such as gases, water,
ammonia, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
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Nội dung text: Heat transfer & heat exchangers - Lecture 1: Thermodynamics - Khoa Ta Dang
- HEAT TRANSFER & HEAT EXCHANGERS Dr. Khoa Ta Dang khoatadang@hcmut.edu.vn
- Assessment 40% • Midterm (references allowance) test 60% • Final (references allowance) exam
- Outline Lecture 6 •Thermal design Lecture 7 •Heat exchangers Lecture 8 •Evaporation Lecture 9 •Crystallization Lecture 10 •Refrigeration cycles
- Content 1 • Basic concepts 2 • State variables 3 • Form of Energy & Energy transfer 4 • State Function & Processes
- Basic concepts
- Systems A system is a quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study, called thermodynamic system Closed (control mass, nonflow) Surroundings Open (control volume) System Isolated (nonflow, no energy transfer) Boundary Adiabatic (nonflow, no heat transfer)
- Phases of substance Solid Liquid Gas
- Phases of substance 푭 ퟒ P = constant 푫 푬 vaporization evaporating melting Temperature warming 푪 melting Solid Liquid Gas cooling freezing condensing Energy input
- Pressure Pressure is the force exerted by a fluid per unit area, this is applied to gas and liquid. For solid, this concept is called as stress bar Pa (N/m2) kPa atm kgf/cm2 lbf/in2 (psi) mmHg (torr) 1 105 100 1,01325 101325 101,325 1 14,696 760 0,9807 9,807 x 104 0,9679 1 14,223 133,3 1 3 푃 = 푃 − 푃 휌 = 13595 / 푒 푠 푡 tại 0℃ 푃푣 = 푃 푡 − 푃 푠 = 9,807 /푠2
- Temperature SI system English system A. Celcius scale 1701–1744 (oC): G. Fahrenheit scale 1686–1736 (oF): ice (0oC) and steam point (100oC) ice (32oF) and steam point (212oF) 9 ℉ = ℃ + 32 5 Lord Kelvin scale 1824–1907 (K) William Rankine scale 1820–1872 (R) 퐾 = ℃ + 273.15 푅 = ℉ + 459.67 ቊ ቊ ∆ 퐾 = ∆ ℃ ∆ 푅 = ∆ ℉ 9 푅 = 퐾 5
- Forms of Energy & Energy transfer
- Entropy • Entropy is a measure of molecular disorder, or molecular randomness. The entropy of a system is related to the total number of possible microscopic states of that system • Entropy is transferred across a boundary by heat or mass 훿푞 푠 = 푒푣
- State Functions & Processes
- States State is the condition of a system not undergoing any change gives a set of properties that completely describes the condition of that system. At this point, all the properties can be measured or calculated throughout the entire system
- State functions 푃 3 ∆ = 3 ; 푊 = 8 퐽 3 1 ∆ = 3 ; 푊 = 12 퐽 2 2 3 5 3
- Processes 1: reversible 푃 Final state 2: irreversible 2 Process path 3: isothermal Initial state 4: isobaric 1 5: isochoric (isometric) 6: polytropic 2 1 7: adiabatic 8: isenthalpic 9: isentropic 10: cycle
- Cycles 푃 푄푛푒푡 = 푊푛푒푡
- th • The concept of thermal equilibrium and 0 definition of temperature 1st • The conservation of energy principle nd • The increase of entropy principle or the 2 destruction of quality energy principle rd • Definition of absolute entropy or the 3 reference point of entropy
- Property Diagrams
- − 푣 diagram , ℃ Critical point for water 373.95 Saturated vapor Saturated liquid 푣, 3Τ 0.003106
- 푃 − 푣 diagram 푃 Critical point Superheated vapor region Compressed liquid region Saturated liquid–vapor region 푣
- 푃 − diagram 푃푠 푡, 푃 600 for water 400 200 0 , ℃ 0 50 100 150 200 푠 푡
- − 푆 diagram , ℃ Critical point 400 300 Saturated for water liquid line 200 Saturated vapor line 100 푠, 퐽Τ 퐾 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Reference state Reference state is chosen to assign a value of zero for a convenient property or properties at that state • For water, the saturated liquid at 0.01℃ is taken at the reference state , 푠 = 0 • For refrigerant 134a, the saturated liquid at − 40℃ is taken at the reference state ℎ, 푠 = 0
- Carnot cycle 푃 퐿 휂 푛표푡 = 1 − 1 푞 푖푛 푞 1 푖푛 2 2 4 퐿 3 푞표 푡 4 푞표 푡 3 푣 푠 Thermal efficiency increases with an increase in the temperature at heat supply or decrease in the temperature at heat rejection
- Stirling & Ericsson cycles 푃 1 푃 1 푃 푞푖푛 4 1 푞푖푛 푞푖푛 2 4 4 2 푞 푞 표 푡 표 푡 푞표 푡 2 3 3 3 푣 푣 푣 Carnot cycle Stirling cycle Ericsson cycle 퐿 휂 푛표푡 = 휂푆푡푖 푙푖푛 = 휂 푖 푠푠표푛 = 1 −
- Brayton cycle Fuel Combustion chamber 2 3 Compressor Turbine 푤푛푒푡 1 Opened cycle 4 Fresh air Exhaust gases
- Vapor Power Cycles
- Rankine cycle 푞푖푛 Boiler 3 2 푞 3 푤푡 푖푛 푤푡 Turbine 2 푤 푤 4 푞 1 4 표 푡 푞표 푡 Condenser 1 푠 푊푡 푄표 푡 휂푅 푛 푖푛푒 = = 1 − 푄푖푛 푄푖푛
- Refrigeration Cycles
- The concepts • Cooling capacity of a refrigeration system that is the rate of heat removal from the refrigerated space, in terms of tons of refrigeration • Tons of refrigeration that is the rate of heat can freeze 1 푡표푛 2000 푙 of liquid water at 0℃ 32℉ into ice at 0℃ in 24 hours, this amount is said to be 1 푡표푛. 1 푡표푛 표 푒 𝑖 푒 푡𝑖표푛 = 211 퐽Τ 𝑖푛 = 200 푡 Τ 𝑖푛 = 3.5 푊
- ideal vapor–comp. refrigeration cycle Evaporator coils WARM environment Capillary tube Freezer isobaric 푄 compartment 푄 3 Condenser 2 푄 Compressor 퐿 −18℃ Condenser Expansion coils valve 푊푖푛 isentropic isenthalpic 4 Evaporator 1 3℃ 푄퐿 isobaric 푊푖푛 COLD refrigerated Compressor space
- Refrigerant selection • Refrigerants: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), ammonia, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, air water • Requirement for refrigeration selection: temperatures of condenser and evaporator, then toxic, corrosive, chemical, Saturated liquid latent heat and the cost 2 • ∆ ≈ 10℃ 푄 1 • Lower , higher 푃 푃 = 3 • ∆ ≈ 10℃ − 1 푊푖푛 • Higher 퐿, higher 푃 퐿 • 푃 > 1 푡 1 4′ 4 푄퐿 Saturated vapor 푠
- Reversed Brayton (gas) cycle 푞 푞 푃 = 퐿 = 퐿 푤푖푛 푤 표 ,푖푛 − 푤푡 ,표 푡 2 푊 푄 표 ,푖푛 1 3 푄퐿 푊푡 ,표 푡 4 푠 ℎ − ℎ 푃 = 1 4 ℎ2 − ℎ1 − ℎ3 − ℎ4
- Summary Power Refrigeration cycles cycles 푠 푠
- Example 1 WARM environment Saturated liquid 2 푄 푄 3 Condenser 2 3 isentropic Compressor Expansion 푊푖푛 valve 푊푖푛 1 4 Evaporator 1 4 푄퐿 Saturated vapor 푄퐿 푠 COLD refrigerated space