Bài tập về nhà môn Vật lý chất rắn - Số 6 (Có đáp án)

  1. Kinetic energy of electron gas. Show that the kinetic energy of a three-dimensional gas of N free electron at 0 K is

  1. Chemical potential in two dimensions. Show that the chemical potential of a Fermi gas in two dimensions is given by:

for n electrons per unit area.

Note: The density of orbitals of a free electron gas in two dimensions is independent of energy: , per unit area of specimen.

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Nội dung text: Bài tập về nhà môn Vật lý chất rắn - Số 6 (Có đáp án)

  1. 1. Kinetic energy of electron gas. Show that the kinetic energy of a three-dimensional gas of N free electron at 0 K is 3 푈 = 휖 0 5 퐹 2. Chemical potential in two dimensions. Show that the chemical potential of a Fermi gas in two dimensions is given by: 2 휇( ) = 푙푛 푒 푛ħ ― 1 for n electrons per unit area. Note: The density of orbitals of a free electron gas in two dimensions is independent of energy: (휖) = ħ2, per unit area of specimen.