Bài giảng Electromagnetic Fields - Chapter 2 - Trần Quang Việt
D2.8. For : in free space, find the displacement
current crossing an area of 0.1m2 in the xy-plane from the –z-side to
the +z-side for each of the following value of t: (a) t=0;
P2.18. A current density due to flow of charges is given by :
Find the displacement current emanating from each of the following
close surfaces : (a) the surface of the cubical box bounded by the
plane x=±2, y=±2, and z=±2, and (b) the surface of the cyclindrical
box bounded by the surface r=1, z=0, and z=2
current crossing an area of 0.1m2 in the xy-plane from the –z-side to
the +z-side for each of the following value of t: (a) t=0;
P2.18. A current density due to flow of charges is given by :
Find the displacement current emanating from each of the following
close surfaces : (a) the surface of the cubical box bounded by the
plane x=±2, y=±2, and z=±2, and (b) the surface of the cyclindrical
box bounded by the surface r=1, z=0, and z=2
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Electromagnetic Fields - Chapter 2 - Trần Quang Việt
- Electromagnetic Fields – Prob – ch_2 D2.5. Given : 2 B= B[sin(0 ω t)ax − cos( ω t)a y ](Wb/m ) find the induced emf around each of the following close paths: (a) the rectangular path from (0,0,0) to (0,1,0) to (0,1,1) to (0,0,1); (b) the triangular path from (1,0,0) to (0,1,0) to (0,0,1) to (1,0,0); and (c) the rectangular path from (0,0,0) to (1,1,0) to (1,1,1) to (0,0,1) to (0,0,0). ωB Ans:(a)−ωω Bcos( t) ( V);(b) −0 cos( ωπ t − / 4 )(V) 0 2 (c)−2ω Bcos(0 ω t + π / 4 )(V) Tr ần Quang Vi ệt – BMCS – Khoa Điện – ĐHBK Tp.HCM Electromagnetic Fields – Prob – ch_2 2 D2.8. For : − t in free space, find the displacement E= E0 te a z current crossing an area of 0.1m 2 in the xy-plane from the –z-side to the +z-side for each of the following value of t: (a) t=0; (b)t= 1 / 2 S; and (c) t=1 S -1 Ans:(a) 0.1ε0 E 0 (A) ;(b) 0 (A);(c) -0.1e ε 0 E 0 (A) P2.18. A current density due to flow of charges is given by : 2 2 J=− (xax + ya y + za)A/m z Find the displacement current emanating from each of the following close surfaces : (a) the surface of the cubical box bounded by the plane x=±2, y=±2, and z=±2, and (b) the surface of the cyclindrical box bounded by the surface r=1, z=0, and z=2 Tr ần Quang Vi ệt – BMCS – Khoa Điện – ĐHBK Tp.HCM 1